26 May Delegation From City of Paris Visits Jekora Ventures Limited
A delegation from Marie de Paris, France, paid a working visit to Accra Metropolitan Assembly from the 20th to 25th May 2019 to exploit areas of possible co-operation between the City of Accra and Paris. One of the areas of interest was the Waste Management Sector. As part of their familiarization tour, the delegation visited Jekora Ventures Limited on 22nd and 23rd of May. On the 22nd of May, the team visited the JVL Fortifer Compost Plant at Borteyman. The Innovations Manager, Martha Adjoa Annan, explained how the facility converts both solid and liquid waste into compost. She explained that, the facility receives 12,500m3 of sludge and 700 tonnes of food waste annually and through the use of low-cost appropriate technology, converts this to compost. She further cited the plant as a proven concept of the circular economic model in Ghana worthy of replication.
On the 23rd of May, the delegation met at JVL head office in Asylum Down for a presentation and discussion on the operations of JVL. The delegation also interacted with Managers and Managing Director of JVL, Mr. Immanuel Nartey-Tokoli. The MD, spoke on the challenges in recovering cost as about 70% of the clientele are paying below average of the AMA approved rates and further highlighted that partnerships are very key in the industry for knowledge sharing and capacity building. This was followed by a site visit to the Ga-Mashie Aerobic Compost Plant and the Osu Resource Recovery Plant. The tour was led by Martha Adjoa Annan, the Innovations Manager.
According to her, waste management challenges are global issues, thus the need for all stakeholders along the value chain to synergize strategies and resources to achieve converging objectives.