19 Sep Address From the Managing Director (JVL) at the Launch of the Mayor’s Waste Segregation Initiative
Segregation of waste is at the heart of the operations of Jekora Ventures Limited. We are very pleased to partner with the Accra Metropolitan Assembly on the Mayor’s Waste Segregation Initiative. The MD, Ing. Immanuel B. Nartey-Tokoli, yesterday spoke at the launch of the Mayor’s Waste Segregation Initiative held at the Presbyterian cluster of schools in Osu, Accra. The full address is below.
Mr. Chairman,
Honourable Mayor,
All Protocols observed
Thanks for the opportunity granted to make a few statements.
First of all, Jekora is pleased and excited to be part of this laudable initiative
We consider education, training and practical experience at the basic school level as a sine qua non to engender positive change in attitude in the medium to long term.
We want to assure you of our readiness and preparedness to deliver on our obligations. Our Training schedule and program is ready for roll-out.
We plan to do a total of 25 training sessions for the 68 basic schools in Osu Klottey Sub-Metro over the next two months in collaboration with the Joint Planning Committee under the Chairmanship of AMA. It is worth mentioning that 20 out of the 68 schools are already on our pilot waste segregation program with the EPA.
All full organic waste bins will be collected on a daily basis using the type of equipment demonstrated here. A sample of the product from food waste: “Fortifer” produced locally at the JVL Compost plant is in the bag that you see over there.
Indeed, “Fortifer” is the first locally produced compost to be certified by MoFA as safe for use to grow food crops and plants.
We also have samples of plastic flakes and pellets that could be used as an alternative feedstock to the natural depletable resources used in the plastic industry. Samples of all of these will be used as demonstration material during the training.
Honourable Mayor, distinguished ladies and gentlemen
Jekora, in addition to the track record that it has in waste segregation at source is also coming along with a track record of collaboration and co-operation
Permit me to acknowledge our major collaborators who are represented here to support your noble initiative.
• EPA: representing policy regulation and our partners in the pilot waste segregation program in the ministerial enclave
• International Water: Management Institute: Representing Academia and Research. They developed the “Fortifer” Formula.
• TMA: Donated the land on which the “Fortifer” Plant is built and are co-owners of the plant with Jekora
• Aya Green Initiatives: Representing Communications
• ESPA, GAMADA, Great Thinkers Social Club of Ga Mashie and others
• Hounourable Assemblymen of Accra, especially those in Osu Klottey
To the Headteachers, Teachers and pupils in the basic schools in Osu Klottey I will say that prepare yourselves for exciting interactive training and practical sessions.
I must point out and stress on the importance of preventing contamination as a first step.
The whole success of this initiative hinges on this. So, our young brothers and sisters in school please be obedient, show discipline and follow diligently instructions and guidance from your waste prefects and teacher supervisors.
Take your studies seriously; knowledge on the characteristics of waste, complimented with application of appropriate technology can open doors to unlimited opportunities for you in the area of waste management and environmental sanitation in the future.
Our friends in the Media are welcome to track the training sessions and give progress reports on the initiative
So Honourable Mayor of Accra
This in brief is what Jekora Ventures is bringing on board to support your noble initiative
Thank you for the opportunity to be of service to the people of Accra.
Ing. Immanuel B. Nartey-Tokoli
(MD, Jekora Ventures Ltd.)